Shroud of the Avatar: New Concept Art, Details on Technology

Portalarium have released another update to the Shroud of the Avatar Kickstarter campaign, showcasing some new concept art and explaining how technology factors into the game’s story and world.

When we first started discussing Art Direction for Shroud of the Avatar, we felt it was critical that the virtual world be steeped in a traditional medieval fantasy feel, but with have added a modern twist that we think will be a real treat for players to experience, taking them into something fresh.

There are an abundance of medieval fantasy games out there—so we asked ourselves how do we set game apart, how do we create a unique and marketable identity in an oversaturated market? The answer came in Richard’s natural storytelling ability. Over the last few months, Richard developed a complex, rich story in which two worlds collide, the ancient world melding with the modern, and the world art we’re creating will reflect that in a fresh and unique way.

We started with traditional medieval elements and layered in elements of a primitive electro-mechanical future. Our objective is to create a visual aesthetic that is both familiar and unique. And now with the addition of Tracy Hickman to the team, his vision for the story will continue to evolve that world, and in turn, evolve our depiction of that world.

Richard’s attention to detail and sense of direction demands that all characters, weapons, objects, and buildings need to “make sense” and not just exist as eye-candy. We are creating an world that sets SotA apart from the pack– but also one where form always follows function. We believe this design process will create believable, fascinating worlds and our art will follow that vision.

They also released this gorgeous, if somewhat Lord of the Rings-inspired, piece of concept art:

Mountain Pass

Those statues kind of look like Shadowlords, don’t you think?

At any rate, we’ve added this image to our concept art page. As well, don’t forget to check out our now-Tapatalk-compliant Shroud of the Avatar forums; Lead Story Designer Tracy Hickman has been popping by to drop off short updates about the progress he and the team have been making with the game’s story and setting.

Shroud of the Avatar: Forsaken Virtues -- Kicktraq Mini

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