Partial Transcript (2 of 3) of the Second Shroud of the Avatar UStream Session

Mitchell Hamilton has posted the second part of his transcript of the second UStream chat held during the Shroud of the Avatar Kickstarter campaign. This time, the transcript covers from the 31:00 mark, up to 1:01:15.

Here’s the UStream again:

Mitchell’s transcript covers everything from the introduction of Rick Holtrop to Richard Garriott’s description of how a “primary craftsman” lifestyle will play out in the game. In addition to the question about craftsmen, questions covered in this segment of the transcript include ships and cartography, how the game will build the sense of exploration, the presence of teleporters (lunar rifts!) around the world, whether there will be an end to the single player game, developer forums, player community events, and the nature of game servers.

The reply about craftsmen also includes a comment on how Portalarium are aiming to implement world interactivity:

I wouldn’t push so far the minigame crafting, although I like the idea of making bacon by flipping it on a little skillet before you throw it in a bowl, before you do, before you do, before you do…Those are just very labour intensive, we’re trying to find a middle ground where you still have to fulfill the recipe for crafting and then potentially do some geometric or task oriented thing but that task can still be universal enough that it can be reskinned for all the different forms of crafting and we haven’t found that yet, that’s what we’re in search of. I’m guessing it’ll take a few months to figure that out.

So it would appear that Ultima 7-style bread-baking is, strictly speaking, out of the picture.

Shroud of the Avatar: Forsaken Virtues -- Kicktraq Mini

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